15 research outputs found

    A Vision of Digitalization in Supply Chain Management and Logistics

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    Digitalization requires a new form of management to master the transformation process of corporations and companies. The Dortmund Management Model structures the focus areas of the digital transformation along the management tasks goal, planning, decision, realization and monitoring as well as the common socio-technical subsystems technological, organizational and personnel - enriched by a fourth dimension: information. Additionally, the acceleration factors transformation, migration and change management are taken into account. This paper embraces a vision for a persistent management of production and supply chain networks in order to achieve a holistic Management 4.0. The emerging developments of technology, methods, tools and models in production and supply chain research are connected and merged into a big picture of digital supply chain management and logistics. The interfaces between management tasks show specific characteristics of digital business processes in particular, which are hereinafter exemplarily outlined: New business models and value-creation networks are based on adaption intelligent production systems, which are interconnected with digital models for continuous planning and reconfiguration. At the shop floor and between sites orders are completed by autonomous guided vehicles (AGV) with intelligent load carriers. Decentralized negotiations and decisions across company boundaries concluded with smart contracts are enabling reasonable and sustainable distribution of the value creation processes. Humans are still in the center of action – abilities are developed by integrated competence management, new learning approaches and human-centered assistance systems coupled with AI-based decision-making support. New types of organizations allow a synergetic collaboration of humans and machines. The benefit of integrating new production and transport technologies becomes assessable and accelerates the ongoing renewal of existing networks. This paper provides an overview of possible potential and connecting factors by linking different technological developments towards supply chain, logistics, production and management research and shows further research demands

    MakerSpaces and Value Creation in Start-ups in Germany

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    Initiatives and projects such as the “Excellence Start-up Center.NRW” aim to increase the competitiveness of Germany through startups and has the explicit goal of creating new and sustainable jobs. In addition, so- called MakerSpaces are being created in parallel in many areas, which are considered as creative areas and are intended to support the construction of prototypes and the testing of hypotheses to create value for potential start-ups and to establish a valid business model. The question here is whether these initiatives and projects provide support for industrial value creation in Germany. This would require production and logistics to be considered when creating and developing new business models. Established methods of production research (e.g. simultaneous engineering) and logistics (e.g. supply chain management) should be taken into account. The results of a short survey – by questioning potential startups and advisors – show whether production and logistics are already considered in the consulting by the MakerSpaces or if there are further unmet needs

    Zukunftsperspektiven der Additiven Fertigung: Chancen und Herausforderungen der Additiven Fertigung in der Produktion

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    3D-Druck bietet viele Chancen für die Produktion und eröffnet neue Geschäftsfelder. Neben den Chancen gibt es aber auch viele Herausforderungen, die für ein erfolgreiches Implementieren der innovativen Technologie gemeistert werden müssen. Additiv gefertigte Teile werden bereits erfolgreich in der Automobilbranche und in der Luftfahrt eingesetzt. Der produktive Einsatz der Additiven Fertigung, besonders im Bereich der KMU, findet zurzeit aufgrund von Integrationsproblemen noch keine weite Verbreitung. Zwei elementare Fragen die in diesem Zusammenhang auftreten sind, welche Schritte müssen getan werden, um einen 3D-Drucker optimal in eine Wertschöpfungskette zu integrieren? Welche Zukunftsperspektiven bietet der Einsatz dieser Technologie

    3D-Druck implementieren: Die Frage nach dem Was und nach dem Wo

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    Bei der Integration von Prozessen der additiven Fertigung in die eigenen Unternehmensabläufe gilt es einiges zu beachten. So muss alleine schon die Frage gestellt werden, ob die Teile inhouse oder beim Dienstleister gedruckt werden. Am Aufbau von entsprechendem Knowhow kommen die Produzenten aber in keinem Fall vorbei

    Digital transformation in logistics and supply chain management: About barriers to organizational change and the importance of new concepts of competence development

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    Digitalization and Industry 4.0 require a holistic transformation process with focus on humanoriented aspects. This contribution identifies the central human-related barriers of digital transformation in logistics and supply chain management, describes the methodological gap of current personnel development approaches and explains innovative game-based concepts to master these challenges

    Participatory Digital Transformation: Haptic Acceptance Catalyst for the Employee-Centered Design of Change Processes

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    Purpose The successful digital transformation requires employees to be sensitized to innovations and to take them along on the path of organizational change. New technologies can only develop their full potential if the employees, as process experts and essential interfaces, are integrated into the design of the digitized processes. According to an empirical study by ZIEMENDORF, the causes of resistance are less to be found in rational decisions than in emotional aspects of "fear", "shyness", "helplessness", "inertia", "anger" and "power", which are increasingly attributable to insufficient participation of people in processes of change (cf. ZIEMENDORFF 2009). The digital transformation therefore needs an integrated management that considers technological and IT process innovations in equal measure, as well as the changing role of employees and the associated development of the entire organisation. (HENKE et al. 2018) Design/methodology/approach The paper presents the approach of designing a discussion space with a haptic demonstrator as the core, as an acceptance catalyst for change processes in the company. The demonstrator pursues the approach of creating a haptic interface between the digital and analog world on the one hand and between employees and planned future work processes and objects on the other. The demonstrator concept "haptical" was already developed in the science year 2018 for science communication and showed first successes in stimulating constructive discussions based on an example of intralogistics. In this example, the information flows between the autonomous machines in the Internet of Things, which will shape the working world of the future, were visualized via intelligent objects that determine their position in space, via corresponding projections in the environment of the real objects in a virtual environment. The research approach is to transfer this concept to the participation processes in corporate transformations. Findings First application scenarios of the demonstrator have shown that this interactive way of presenting future scenarios for working environments promotes the active critical examination of this scenario and stimulates constructive and creative suggestions as a transfer of the experience knowledge of the employee to the future situation. Technology integration scenarios are often supported by laboratory environments in which the technology is usually made available to employees for the purpose of learning to try it out. In digital transformation, which is characterised by changes in the provision of information, work processes and interaction with automated or even autonomous machines, such processes have so far not been modelled in a way that can be touched and experienced. The depiction in virtual spaces is slowly gaining relevance in practice, but here the discursive contribution of a group is already technically excluded. The WING project (BOES et al. 2017) shows first results which show the keys for an acceptance-promoting effect of innovation spaces as a physical realization of the participation possibilities of the employees in transformation processes. Value The paper presents the technical possibilities of the demonstrator concept and explains the scenario already realized. The question to what extent the already indicated experience gained with comparable approaches from VR and technology-focused laboratory environments can be transferred is discussed and possible application scenarios described. Research limitations/implications In future case studies with companies, the aim will be to prove the acceptance catalyzing effects. As a practical implication, however, the positive effect of internal discussion and laboratory environments in transformation processes on the acceptance by employees and their active participation can already be derived from this state of the investigations

    Optimierte Performancequantifizierung von verketteten Prozessen: Durch Anpassung der Kennzahl "First Pass Yield"

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    Bedingt durch das dynamische und komplexe Umfeld von produzierenden Unternehmen sind diese bestrebt, die eigene Performance der Produktionsprozesse kontinuierlich zu verbessern. Eine Kennzahl zur Quantifizierung der Prozessstabilität und -qualität ist der sogenannte "First Pass Yield" (FPY). Die Produkte durchlaufen eine Vielzahl an Prozessschritten, an denen Fehler entstehen, die durch Prüfschritte entdeckt werden können. Es ist in der Fachliteratur weit verbreitet, die FPY-Werte der Einzelprozesse miteinander zu multiplizieren, um den Gesamt-FPY zu erhalten. Allerdings kann diese Berechnungsmethode zu falschen Ergebnissen führen, weshalb in diesem Beitrag eine optimierte Berechnung des Gesamt-FPY beschrieben wird

    Integration additiver Fertigungstechnologien: Herausforderungen bei der Integration von additiven Fertigungstechnologien in unternehmerische Wertschöpfungsketten

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    Additive Fertigungstechnologien stellen in vielen Bereichen potenzielle zukünftige Fertigungsverfahren dar. Wie können diese neuen Techniken und Prozessschritte in ein Unternehmen sinnvoll integriert und mit den „konventionellen“ Fertigungstechnologien verknüpft werden? Wie funktionieren sie einwandfrei und welche Herausforderungen stellen sich bei der Implementierung? Fragen, die die neu gegründete Kompetenzgruppe „Additive Fertigungstechnologien“ des Fraunhofer IML und des Lehrstuhls für Unternehmenslogistik der TU Dortmund beantworten möchte